April 19, 2022

Is economic growth antithetical to the overall health of society? This week on World Ocean Radio we discuss the concentration of capital and offer two examples of an ocean economy currently dominated by special interests, including the recent creation of Natural Asset Companies designed to turn ecosystem services into tradable commodities.

April 12, 2022

The biggest single problem facing ocean conversation is the lack of public awareness and political will. Public engagement efforts by agencies, institutes and NGOs are more fulsome than ever, yet the campaigns and power of those invested in the status quo to undermine the data, resist the alternatives, and misinform the public are also as robust as ever. Enter The Economist Magazine--connected to more than 100 million worldwide, and their latest effort to inform the public about marine chemical pollutants. With access to such a vast audience of change agents, it is an opportunity ripe with recruitment opportunity, and an invitation for alliance and amplification.

April 4, 2022

This week on World Ocean Radio we're discussing the ways we are connected through shared ocean memory and experiences. This episode offers reflections on the ocean as a healing place, where we can use its power to offer hope for generations to come.

March 31, 2022

This week we're referencing a recent Medium post entitled "The Knowledge-Implementation Gap in Conservation Science: Exploring the Space Between Knowing and Doing" which speaks to what may be the most crucial problem faced by ocean scientists and policy leaders, and offers suggestions for how the situation might be improved by new behaviors, collaboration, and public engagement.

March 22, 2022

Millions of people worldwide do not have access to adequate water supply for drinking, cooking and basic sanitation. According to a February report, more than 3.5 billion people worldwide live in areas that experience water scarcity. This week on World Ocean Radio we're discussing the need for invention and some prospective ways forward: not just new ideas and technology, but taking what we already know and applying it differently, locally and internationally, to scale.

March 15, 2022

This week we introduce listeners to World Ocean Explorer, a new, revolutionary and immersive 3D virtual aquarium project the W2O team has been developing over the past year. Explorer is a game-based learning environment designed to promote ocean literacy and excitement for ocean exploration. Launching in late March.

March 8, 2022

This week on World Ocean Radio we're discussing the importance of ocean literacy and ocean education to transform our understanding of the ocean's contributions to human health and survival. We highlight the seven principles of Ocean Literacy and some perspectives that we can use to expand them into a set of curricular approaches that pertain to science, climate impacts and solutions for our future.

February 28, 2022

This week on World Ocean Radio we are discussing an emerging new phenomenon called the Global Deep Ocean Water Market and the food industry companies that are extracting salt water from the ocean depths, desalinating, trading as deep ocean water futures, and packaging for distribution and sale.

February 21, 2022

The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund have long been the cogs turning the wheels of global economics, driving infrastructure growth and economic development while often supporting the exploitation of natural resources and ignoring the social consequences of poverty, displacement, and disruption. Some have argued that the World Bank and the IMF have outlived their purpose, no longer effective as tools for the future. This week we're discussing the Global Environment Facility (GEF), a little known agency that finances large international projects with demonstrated financial outcomes that are progressive and sustainable.

February 14, 2022

This week on World Ocean Radio: reflections on the morality of nature and the ocean. How do we change the consequences of our actions, and take responsibility for what we have done to create the world we find ourselves in? Is it time for a bit of moral neutrality to return to a more accommodating, natural state?

February 8, 2022

This week on World Ocean Radio we're introducing listeners to the Water Ethics Charter-- recommendations from a global Water Ethics Steering Committee with draft principles for water sustainability based on five themes: environmental, economic, social, cultural, and governance.

February 1, 2022

This week on World Ocean Radio: five suggested strategies as laid out by Karl Burkart (Managing Director of One Earth and formerly the Director of Science & Technology at the DiCaprio Foundation) by which to create the funds required to meet the urgent global climate crisis.

January 24, 2022

This week we're discussing the consequences of consumption. We point to a recent exhibit in London entitled "Waste Age: What Can Design Do?" that highlights the fusion of nature and culture and the ways that we have produced a culture of waste. How might we transform our waste into materials that can be recycled, repurposed, and reprogrammed by design? What if we choose to create a culture designed to retain and maximize the built environment rather than destroy it? How do we transform waste into something lasting and sustainable?

January 17, 2022

This week on World Ocean Radio we're discussing recent reporting on the impact of deteriorated plastic waste and the ways that it has invaded our waterways, our oceans and our bodies. If we never made another piece of plastic again, are we able to ever be free of the damage plastic has already done worldwide? Can it be reversed? Are we even trying?

January 11, 2022

This week on World Ocean Radio we're weighing in on the debate of water as food. Many are certain that it is not because it does not have the same essential nutrients as food, while other maintain that it is. Is water food? We say it is--food for the soul.

January 6, 2022

This week we're discussing the Sargasso Sea: a verdant, vital ecosystem supporting a great diversity of life, providing shelter for marine mammals, and serving as a repository for human endeavor, including shipping, fishing, harvesting, and pollution. And we're discussing conservation efforts including the Hamilton Declaration and the formation of the Sargasso Sea Commission, protection measures working toward the establishment of an International Marine Protected Area.

December 27, 2021

Our annual gift to World Ocean Radio listeners. In this episode, host Peter Neill reads "At the Fishhouses" by Elizabeth Bishop, a poem from 1955 that distills Bishop's seaside meditations and evokes the clarity of meaning contained in personal encounters with the ocean. A favorite of ours, with profound relevance for the New Year. Please enjoy.

December 21, 2021

This week on World Ocean Radio we introduce listeners to a word many may have never heard before: xenobiotic--defined as a chemical substance found within an organism that is not naturally produced or expected to be present--often referred to as a pollutant. Dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls, carcinogens, drugs, food additives, hydrocarbons, plastics, pesticides--all manner of human-driven interventions from our interactions here on earth. Are we turning the world into a xenobiotic dump? Is there another way?

December 14, 2021

This week on World Ocean Radio, we're discussing the final declaration of the climate pact post-COP26, in which the ocean was finally acknowledged as the intangible link between climate and biodiversity, and recognition of the need for integration of ocean-based actions into mandates and work plans. For the first time, the ocean is finally included in discussions about our climate future. While this is a start, it's too little. We argue that we must dare to envision a dramatic restructuring of law and focus that envisions the ocean as the blueprint for all further action.

December 7, 2021

This week on World Ocean Radio: new systems thinking offers alternatives to failing structures and behaviors. As food, energy and water are the three aspects most relevant to future survival, we argue that we must examine the innovations that pertain to each: aquaculture, renewable energy and desalination--to create an integrated, self-supporting new system that is key to a sustainable future.

November 29, 2021

How do we govern and manage the ocean inside and outside of national jurisdiction in order to use it responsibly and assure its long-term potential? How do we collectively affirm the transformational change required to meet the conditions and challenges we face worldwide? In this week's episode of World Ocean Radio we seek answers in a recent article published in "Proceedings of the US National Academy of Science" that suggest principles for change and action required to sustain the value of the ocean now and for the future.

November 23, 2021

This week on World Ocean Radio we're discussing energy present and energy future, and the ways that alternative energy technologies are changing the landscape as our energy needs grow. We offer examples of proven alternative fuels such as wind, solar, wave and tidal energy and share some lesser-known technologies such as salinity gradient power and geo-thermal energy that could use the power of the ocean to meet global electrical demand.

November 16, 2021

This week on World Ocean Radio we're defining "backwash" as the movement of water for filtration, for desalination, and for clearing of debris and toxins, and we're discussing methods that clean and protect Nature, using the strategies of bio-remediation to detoxify and cleanse against the human-caused destruction of natural systems.

November 8, 2021

In this episode of World Ocean Radio we take listeners to the shore, to be reminded of the importance of silence, solitude and renewal in our lives, and of the healing power of the ocean--or water in any form--that is there for us, if and when we choose to stop and listen.

November 2, 2021

In this brief series we have explored technologies, initiatives and other advancements for aquaculture with the power to improve efficiency and safety as a positive contribution to our future food supply and global health. This week represents the fourth and final installment of the series, focusing on the broader view of the word "aquaculture"—Water plus Culture—the universal source and guiding influence for our lives that will nurture and sustain us into the future if we can recognize and protect its significance for every aspect of our being.