World Ocean Radio - Multiform

At the Fishhouses, is among our favorite poems here at World Ocean Observatory. In its richly-detailed mastery, it distills Bishop’s seaside meditations, evokes the clarity of meaning contained in personal encounters at the shore and with the ocean, and holds the reader and the listener in the space that lies between land and sea, a site of transience, mystery, and the sublime. It is a seasonal favorite for those of us that dwell at the water's edge. Happy New Year from World Ocean Radio and World Ocean Observatory.
This week we are celebrating our 700th episode of World Ocean Radio--5-minute reflections featured as podcast and interstitial radio syndicate for 14 years. From these ongoing observations have come four books and continuous contribution toward a strategy to communicate the importance of healthy climate and ocean, a succession of examples, emphasis, and explanation of how Nature and ocean are all-encompassing and connects us all.
At each year's end, World Ocean Radio host Peter Neill reads "At The Fishhouses" by Elizabeth Bishop. This poem, a perennial favorite, was chosen not only for its relevance for the New Year, but also because it distills years of Bishop's seaside meditations and evokes the clarity of meaning contained in personal encounters with the world ocean.
This week on World Ocean Radio host Peter Neill talks about the power of storytelling and the vast catalog of tales of adventure, sailors, song, battle, Captain's logs, letters home, and more that tell the stories of our ocean culture and civilization.
Our annual gift to World Ocean Radio listeners. In this episode, host Peter Neill reads "At the Fishhouses" by Elizabeth Bishop, a poem from 1955 that distills Bishop's seaside meditations and evokes the clarity of meaning contained in personal encounters with the ocean. A favorite of ours, with profound relevance for the New Year. Please enjoy.
This week on World Ocean Radio we have a special seasonal reading of "Christmas at Sea", an evocative poem by Robert Louis Stevenson written in 1883. Stevenson, the son of a lighthouse engineer, had intimate knowledge of extreme weather, storms, and especially nor'westers. Merry Christmas to all from the World Ocean Observatory.
This week on World Ocean Radio host Peter Neill reflects on a recent trip to Egypt, a dry desert land in the heart of Africa, the civilizations of which are clustered along the Nile, the longest river in the world. The desertification on display there offers clues to universal threats and our climate future: freshwater disruption, loss of land and wetland, urbanization, saltwater intrusion, and rising temperatures.
This week on World Ocean Radio we're discussing an Executive Order entitled "Change in Natural Asset Wealth" signed by US President Joe Biden on Earth Day in April 2022, and the recommendations laid out in the 15-year plan that will measure economic value of natural resources, recognizing that a robust economy depends on a healthy natural environment.
The maritime industry is a major index of the health of the global economy and is a significant economic contributor to employment the world over. In this episode of World Ocean Radio, host Peter Neill will outline ways in which the sea serves as a massive system of global activity and will assert that the maritime industry may be a bell-weather of better things to come.
L'industrie maritime est un indice important de la santé économique globale et est un contributeur économique significatif à l'emploi dans le monde entier. Dans cet épisode de la radio océan du monde nous décrivons les manières dont la mer sert de système d'activité globale massif et affirmons que l'industrie maritime peut être un indicateur de meilleures choses à venir.
A indústria maritima constitui um dos principais indicadores da economia global e é simultaneamente um dos maiores empregadores mundiais. Neste episódio do World Ocean Radio destacaremos alguns dos modos como o mar representa um sistema massivo de actividade global e argumentaremos no sentido de considerar esta indústria como um bom indicador de um futuro que se afigura positivo.
La industria marítima es un índice importante de la salud de la economía global y es un contribuyente económico significativo al empleo en todo el mundo. En este episodio de World Ocean Radio delineamos las formas en las que el mar sirve como sistema masivo de actividad global y afirmamos que la industria marítima puede ser un cencerro para cosas mejores a futuro.